About the Program
JA Personal Finance allows students to experience the interrelationship between today’s financial decisions and future financial freedom. To achieve financial health and wellness, they learn about money-management strategies, including earning, employment and income, budgeting, savings, credit and debt, consumer protection, smart shopping, risk management, and investing. At the conclusion of this program, students will be able to demonstrate that their personal finances affect their quality of life. They will understand how their financial choices will be the basis of how they get what they want and need.
JA Personal Finance is recommended for 9th to 12th grades. It includes six sessions, including communication and presentation skills, manners, listening skills, and cell phone etiquette.
Students learn that healthy personal finances take planning and managing. They begin to analyze major life events and issues that have financial implications.
Students analyze the role saving plays in their personal finances and how having a healthy savings plan is necessary for all phases of life.
Students investigate budgeting and why many people have difficulty staying within a budget.
Students analyze the importance of credit and the outcomes of wise and poor use of credit.
Students work in groups to create public service announcements to inform each other of risks to their finances and identify ways to protect themselves from potential losses.